Australian Succulents

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Victorian Bushfires 2009

Since the recent bushfires in Victoria which have taken many lives and destroyed or seriously damaged over 2000 homes and gardens, there's been much discussion about appropriate and inappropriate choice of plants in the gardens in high fire-risk areas.

It has now prompted us to write an article or two (and include other authors) or have a section discussing this topic, especially as succulent plants often seem to come into the conversation as a preferred option for many.

If you have personal experiences with plant performance in fires, or comments to make, please feel to contact us via the website.

It is surprising how much information we have already collected over the years and from others interested in this important subject.
In fact Rudolf Schulz and I first published some new (at the time)findings about succulents as fire barriers in one of our earlier publications titled, 'Succulents for the Garden', page 36.
So keep checking for updates and articles on this topic.


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