Australian Succulents

Australian Bottle Trees and Boabs


Australian Bottle Trees and Boabs by Attila Kapitany, 2024
58 pages, soft cover, full colour, filled with colour photos.

This book has been reprinted several times over the last 13 years. This 2024 edition is FULLY REVISED & EXPANDED!

In this internet age it is surprising how well this book is still selling! It is proving popular due to much of its content being unavailable 

anywhere else online!

Many high quality images of Australian bottle trees and boabs, both in habitat and in cultivation.

Comparing the various species and distinguishing features.

There are numerous Australian species covered.

While many people may know two or three types, they'll be surprised to see and learn about the other very rare and unusual new species.

The text explores the diversity of species and habitats as well as cultivation advice and their popularity explained.

Perhaps more importantly this book highlights the need for further research and trials by landscapers and home gardeners alike.

Please ask about a discount if choosing any SET OF 4 BOOKLETS!


Australian Bottle Trees and Boabs

Printed BOOK


Price with shipping (AUD)




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Next page: Australian Gymea and Spear Lilies