Australian Succulents
Attila Kapitany
xDisphyllum Sunburn new hybrid
xDisphyllum 'Sunburn'
A new Australian hybrid succulent plant of distinction has been released - March 2012.
Bred under a harsh summer sun, it is a plant truly symbolic of Australia - green and gold, with the name xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' .
A luxuriant green, relatively compact groundcover succulent which flowers readily and heavily throughout most of the year, xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' has bright golden yellow/orange flowers.
Years of research and breeding with Australian native succulents has led to the creation of this intergeneric hybrid.
The seed parent is Disphyma crassifolium ssp. clavellatum an Australian native, and the pollen parent is Glottiphyllum longum, a native of South Africa.
The genus Disphyma distinctly has pink, pink/white or rarely white flowers.
The genus Glottiphyllum distinctly has larger yellow flowers.
This union produced a beautiful golden (50 mm+) yellow/orange flower.
Disphyma generally flower well in spring and occasionally at other times.
Glottiphyllum flower regularly for much of the year but usually have unappealing foliage and growth habit. All the best features of both parents are evident in this new plant, xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' .
Some characteristic of xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' :
Ideal as a groundcover or as a pot plant in most sunny situations.
Flowering season - much of the year.
Tolerates cold, drought, humidity, frost and poor water quality e.g. bore water, saline water, grey water.
Grows in most soil types including clay.
No weed potential - this is an infertile hybrid hence cannot produce seed, it does not creep far or smother other plants.
xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' made it's first public appearance and release at Open Gardens Australia's Plant Fair at Elizabeth Murdoch's Cruden Farm on 3-4 March 2012.
There will be a limited number of plants available throughout the year - please enquire.
xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' was the first plant ever to be endorsed by the CSSA in early 2012. (The Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia Inc.). A donation of 30% of net profit from sales was made to this (not for profit) organisation. The endorsement has now expired May 2013.
xDisphyllum 'Sunburn'
22.2.2012 Last night we had a potted non flowering plant on show to a small public audience. A few notable points came from the experience. One experienced succulent grower asked, 'How is it different to my pigface varieties that I have or see in everyone's garden? |
ANSWER: A second major point is that while Aptenia, Drosanthemum and Carpobrotus are all very attractive and useful, they can be very weedy and smother nearby plants, Disphyllum does not. This new xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' 23.2.2012 - Update - comparative fire test showed Lampranthus to be very combustible while the Disphyllum would not ignite. For more on this go to left menu ' 'Fire and Succulents'. |
17.3.2012 - Update - Inverloch Garden Club, Vic. Many present asked questions relating to this plant. In light of this the following is now worth mentioning: xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' 20.3.12 - Update - interesting email asking what qualifies it as a native plant. Originally we had no intention of promoting it as an Oz native but after sending samples to Canberra, botanists at the national hebarium declared the plant an Australian native hybrid. Primarily because this hybrid's seed parent was a native plant. It certainly can be argued that it's not pure - but what plant is at varying levels of plant history e.g. Brachychitons evolved here in Australia but Adansonia did not. It evolved elsewhere and one species arrived here relatively recently in history so in context is a new Australian. xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' 18.7.2012 - Winter flowers are dark orange. We are experiencing an extremely wet and long winter. This hybrid doesn't seem to suffer from 'wet feet' and is thriving. Currently on track at flowering through every season! Of course winter has less flowers, but it still looks pretty good. What is perhaps rather surprising, to us at least, is the flower colour. Plant flowers increase yellow tone during heat of summer and increase orange tones during the cold of winter. Currently no hint of yellow tones, see below. |
Could this mean that growers in England will have mostly orange flowers while growers in Arizona would have mostly yellow for thought!
November 4th 2012 -
"Hi Attila, Just letting you know that the xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' survived an extremely cold Canberra winter (including heavy frosts and an eight day cold spell with an average minimum temperature of -5) and have put on significant growth this Spring. Also flowering beautifully. Will be recommending this plant to our clients."
Chris Webb | Landscape Designer
7.6.2013 - UPDATE - Endorsement by the CSSA expired May 2013.
7.6.2013 - The first major, detailed article on this plant has just been published in The journal of the Cactus and Succulent Society of NSW, Volume 29 (1). This article shows many examples of good landscape use, and it also describes the breeding program and parents used to create this hybrid. Well worth a read. Visit:
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