Australian Succulents

Latest News & Updates

March 2025We have been quiet but busy in recent months. Currently about to publish a new book titled, 'Australian Cycads - An Introduction'. Hopefully ready and available by mid April. 

June 2024 - We have just revised, expanded and reprinted one of our most popular publications - 'Bottle Trees and Boabs'. Several new Brachychitons species are included in this update. Also more details regarding cultivation and conservation. Even those who have the earlier edition, will find this 2024 edition with lots to offer. 

October 5th 2023 - Our latest book, co-authored with Dr. Jen Silcock is now complete. It is available in our book and magazine store. It is called, 'Australian Succulents - The Unfriendly Ones". Simply it covers spiny Australian succulent plants. There are many! This book showcases a large range of plants that most Australians have never seen before. These plants inhabit dry, arid or semi-arid parts of the continent. Stunning pictures, distribution maps and associated fauna are covered. there is a special chapter dealing with conservation highlighting the importance of these plants as keystone to the survival of many of our rarest and most beautiful animals from macropods to rare birds and the fascinating relationships they have within the protection of spiny succulents, which are often also a main food source. This book would be essential to anyone venturing into our arid regions for an explore. No other native field guide comes close to the value of this publication. 

May 20th 2022 - As per the January update we are still very busy with a large new book project. For this we are working closely with Dr. Jennifer Silcock a botanist from QLD. She has also agreed to come onboard as a co-author. As a result this book will be substantially larger and potentially more scientific than otherwise. It will be all Australian in content with a lot of exciting new plants many readers will have never seen or heard of before. The downside is considerable patience and time delays to produce the best publication we can as a team. 

January 28th 2022 -We have been occupied intensively in recent months working towards a new book. Title and topic is going to be a surprise! The aim is to have it out in a few months, or if delayed, by the end of the year. 


September 14 - We have been fortunate to have worked with Australia Post to help produce a series of 3 postage stamps featuring wattles. Three species of rare and unusual wattles, but none of them with yellow flowers! We specifically provided the image used for one of the three postage stamps. It is the red-flowered Acacia leprosa 'Scarlet Blaze'. We have been working on this project for many months but could not legally announce until the public announcement of the release due for September 14. Coincidentally during 2021 we have also revised and expanded our publication on rare and unusual wattles (see our bookshop for more.) Two of the three Acacia species featured on the stamps are also featured in our publication. One of the images in this publication is now prominently on a postage stamp!

Here is the link to the Stamp Bulletin with all the details with images:


August 26 - A recent theft by visitors after dark have necessitated us installing extra surveillance cameras. It appears from what they took and how they avoided our current cameras shows that the theft was well planned and they new exactly what to take that was most valuable to us. Hence we now have 2 more hidden cameras to cover the blank spots the thieves used. We have also now moved most of our rare and valuable plants to a secure location away from the garden at another address. Sadly our most precious plants are now such a high risk that the public now will not have access to see these in our garden. 


 August 2021 - A challenging year with lock down restrictions affecting much of our activities. Our garden visits and all bookings for August 2021 are now  cancelled.

Our main or larger articles are listed in the menu, on the left, and below you will find other diverse and interesting shorter news stories. Also go to 'Talks & Presentations' on the menu at left, for public presentations, videos and magazine articles.

December 2020

A great many disappointed visitors were declined a chance to see our garden during the year, which was a real shame! We decided to collate some unusual and interesting scenes or views of plants etc. that may surprise, even those that have visited in years past. It has been put together in a short slide-show/video. See the homepage for the link.

October 2020: We have been giving Webinars and Zoom meetings and presentations both locally and overseas. On 4th October I gave a Webinar presentation to 400 viewers from around the world organised by the Cactus and Succulent Society of America.

September 2020: Our NEW Edible Succulent book is going well! There are numerous reviews and articles about the book in the media. Read a standout review here: Book Reviews & Comments

Due to  Government Covid-19 restrictions - Our garden is currently closed to visitors.

September 2020: NEWSFLASH!  ABC GARDENING AUSTRALIA featured our garden on the show. Links can be found on the events calendar, side menu.

June 2020 - Our NEW book, 'Edible Australian Succulents' is currently at the printers and we plan to be shipping the first copies out in the first week of June!

June 1st 2020 -  My recent publications increasingly reference aboriginal associations, notably aboriginal regard for succulent plants, culminating in my latest publication titled, ‘Edible Australian Succulents'. It is in late draft form and seeking an editor or proof reader to raise its standard. Early drafts sent to my usual contacts tell me this book may be too self -serving, hence I've decided to consider giving part or all of this book and future profits over to a worthwhile cause. Upon reading ‘Dark Emu' by Bruce Pascoe, I realise that my new publication could be a very important resource and benefit to indigenous people and the wider community.

It is an extremely niche publication that currently has a very small print run of only 100 copies. Plans to reprint will be in conjunction with partnerships we are still seeking through the aboriginal community, CSIRO or similar. After which a larger print run can encompass a cheaper publication that can then be distributed widely through more outlets.

Anybody who can assist with contacts on the above matter, please contact me at your earliest convenience. I'm very keen to see this publication as a shared undertaking with indigenous people.

May 2020 - As winter approaches we have one of our favourite new hybrid succulent that we developed ourselves, just now coming into its best colour show. Here a short 2 minute slideshow we'd like to share with you highlighting its features:

December 2017 - NEW PUBLICATION

Australian Grass Trees

One of Australia's most iconic plant groups. Spectacular in habitat and garden design. Most people are unaware that Australia has so many different species from miniatures to blue giants. While sometimes incorrectly referred to as succulents, these xerophytic grasstrees grow really well in succulent gardens and rockeries. See bookshop for more. There is also a feature article, see left menu.

Also visit our EBay store for more. Seed also available!



June 20th 2017 - Native succulent postage stamps are NOW available AUSTRALIA WIDE. A full

article on this website about part of our involvement and the use of our pictures can be found in left menu, POSTAGE STAMPS.

April 2017 - We are very excited to announce that Australia Post's stamp issue with native succulents has been announced for release on June 20th 2017.


March 2017 - A new succulent Kleinia 'Trident Blue' eligible (see Articles left menu).


December 2016 - Australia Post has after many years, finally accepted my proposal to produce a sereis of stamps featuring native succulent plants - I'm very excited and look forward to  the 2017 release.

November 2016 - Invitation to attend AIH (Australian Institute of Horticulture) in Cairns where I was delighted to received an award in recognition of this website. "The judging panel agreed that you have dedicated much of your time and resources to promoting these lesser known Australian plants and based your product of exceptional technical and content quality."


August 27 & 28th 2016 -  Open Garden - We had 800 visitors through our huge garden as park of Open Gardens Victoria. Stephen Ryan launched the new season event in our garden including a garden party and cupcakes served with tiny succulent icing designs on top (looking like echeverias.)

November 5th 2015 -Just back from 5 weeks speaking tour of USA (including a fully subsidised invitation by The Huntington Botanic Gardens, one of the world's most important and prestigious botanical institutions, especially one that specialises in cacti and succulents.)

While I'm still catching up on loose ends and paperwork on my return I received a link to an excellent article in support of Australian native succulents as a food source and their landscaping potential. It includes important historical usage with references. Much of this information is accurate however some is not, especially with reference to the genus Carpobrotus. But still well worth a read.


August 15th 2015 - Our display gardens are looking spectacular for this last month of winter, with a remarkable number of flowers out already. In fact more flowers in late winter than we have in summer or autumn and the foliage colours are the best of the calendar year making the combination of the two, a peak photographic opportunity. This August display of vibrant foliage colours and flowers certainly adds weight to Dr. Tim Entwisle's book and argument for a new season in Australia called 'Sprinter" (a merging of late winter and early spring and the joining of the two words.) Many Australian native plants are at their best during August and September.

A few dates to come and view our gardens are on the 'Events' page.

August 8th 2015 - After concluding a longer than expected project creating a book on native bulbs, it is now in our inventory of publications and available through this website. I can now get onto some other neglected areas, notably writing here. The bulb booklet is larger and a little more detailed than some of the others in the series of booklets and it has been a huge undertaken of cost and in time.  From feedback and sales so far, it is proving to have been a very worthwhile undertaking.

A few, relatively short succulent related articles have been written and sent to publishers of international Journals. This incudes 3 new articles to The USA Cactus and Succulent Society in recent months, one to the Brittish equivalent society and several other European (non-english) societies journals, so for those among you who subscribe to any international succulent society, may come across one or two of my latest articles, if not already.

Lastly, the earlier plan to include feature butterfly articles in the main article section, has now been expanded into a stream of four seperate butterfly articles. see menu at left.

February 12th 2014 - I plan to include two feature butterfly articles in the main article section, so this is just a brief reference to lead some of you to them. One these articles has already been published recently in the Native Plant Magazine and also the RHSV Gardener's Gazette, Summer 2013.


January 30th 2014 - Last night my Kickstarter crowd funding project expired as it only had 42 backers and so fell well short of the finance needed to make it succeed. Thanks to all those people, not just the 42 who put money on the table but also the 20 - 30 people who offered money outside of the proect parameters. Perhaps it could have succeeded if a large corporation backed the project. C'est la vie!

..However... readers may still find it interesting to go visit the link which will lead you to the platform with the full story. It also includes numerous pictures of spectacular new native succulents I've never shown before. Some of these are likely to be the first time people have ever seen these plants. The tricky part may be finding the images as most are imbedded within short sub articles that can be easily found by searching the UPDATE tab within my Kickstarter platform . The link is in  previous entry below.





December 17th  2013 -

This  week  is an exciting time for me!


I’ve just launched a new native succulent plant field guide book project seeking crowd funding via KICKSTARTER!


Silly as it sounds, I want to tell everyone I can about it including  you.

And if you feel so inclined you might like to spread the word to your own plant friends.

Here’s the link!




November 5th 2013 - We are pleased to announce a new booklet (see bookshop here for more details or  visit our new EBay store to order:

So we now have 7 volumes in the booklet series, total retail value $100. But we offer a discount price of $85 for the set.







This series almost replaces our flagship book with similar content but updated with new species and information. So for those who were interested in ordering the famous book titled, 'Australian Succulent Plants' (which is out of print), you might find this series a worthwhile alternative.



July 14th 2013 - Our flagship book titled, 'Australian Succulent Plants' is now SOLD OUT. It has been a remarkable journey and 2000 books have been printed and sold. (It won't be reprinted). The final copy was donated and auctioned on June 19th at a large international cactus and succulent conference.

A brief overview  - the above book was published, marketed and distributed by us and was a huge undertaking. Environmentally worth noting - we regularly collect and recylcle cardboard boxes which we cut up to make new boxes to post the above books worldwide. Every single book of 2000 was shipped to customers using recycled cardboard. This cardbard recycling has been a pleasing personal addition to the success of the whole project.

June 20th 2013 - I have just been to USA as an invited speaker at a large international conference. Two presentation topics dealing with Australian native succulent flora.

1. Roadside Surprises: a look at small, ground hugging plants primarily from desert regions in central parts of Australia.

2. Bottle Trees and Boabs: Besdies a look at habitats and the two different genera from a taxonomic point of view, a range of cultivation issues were explored in detail.

After the convention a visit to some of the Texan cactus and succulents in habitat.

November 27th 2012 - NEW! Just out from the printers. The 6th publication in the 'Australian Series' of native plant bookslets. This one is a little 'left field' as it is not about succulents or semi succulent trees - it is about wattles. Titled, "Australian Weird and Wonderful Wattles'. Most cactus and succulent growers also have other unrelated xerophytes with their plants, especially if they look interesting or unusual and keep a modest size. This new booklet looks at some of Australia's rarest and most unusual  short-growing wattles e.g. Acacia aphylla which has no leaves but instead has bright blue wiry stems.                                                      Available only from Ebay at present. Check it out! OR email us direct at

November 4th 2012 - "Hi Attila,  Just letting you know that the xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' survived an extremely cold Canberra winter (including heavy frosts and an eight day cold spell with an average minimum temperature of -5) and have put on significant growth this Spring. Also flowering beautifully.  Will be recommending this plant to our clients."

Chris Webb | Landscape Designer

October 27rd 2012 - The Cactus and Succulent society of Australia held its huge annual spring show and plant sale. Thankfully there was a competition category for native succulents and various successfully grown potted examples were exhibited - Anacampseros australiana (first prize), Bulbine vagans (second prize) and Dockrillia nugentii growing on a large rock, (third prize).

One of the biggest and most impressive caudiciform succulents in the show, was a huge Hydnophytum (ant plant). It was so large many people took photos and wanted to stand next to it for comparison. If you want to see it up for auction on eBay just search 'Ant plant Hydnophytum moseleyanum'.

October 23rd 2012 - Up until now I've kept my connection with the cactus and succulent society of Australia rather low key on this website. However  as of today I step down as president of this rapidly expanding organisation. Almost 10 years in the position and I think I need a break. Much of my time was dedicated to encouraging the public and members to participate in and enjoy the Society and plants through it. Often in subtle ways I would introduce native succulent plants to people, without 'scaring them off'.

August 13th 2012 - Just received some pictures and text from Brendon Cleaver taken in Borneo, of local villagers selling boxes of dissected hydnophytums as traditional medicine-to 'cure' heart problems, treat chest pains and as an anti inflammatory  remedy. I told Brendon that scientists are now looking at these plants for anti-cancer agents with very promising results. It is interesting to note that I've not come across reference to Australian ant-plants with similar uses or properties.

August 8th 2012 - We are very pleased to announce a new publication titled,' Australian Ant Plants' by Attila Kapitany and Derrick Rowe. $AUD12.00, booklet, soft cover A4 format, 20 pages, full colour. Postage $3.00 extra. Total = $15.00 in Australia. Enquiries and orders now welcome.

August 6th 2012 - A friend in Queensland, Ian Menkins, whom I know as an amateur botanist who writes great articles on this website and who occasionally accompanies me on field trips in search of rare plants, has come out with a surprise. He is often regarded as an astute field guide and his knowledge of the plants, land and local indigenous people was always impressive. This culmination of years of planning certainly did surprise and impress me, as it will anyone interested in indigenous language. He has compiled a great language database of numerous different local aboriginal tribes (that he could access).... that also covers some native flora, in particular the local indigenous food. It is called, 'Reading Country: A Dictionary of the Natural World of the Tribes of the Murray-Darling Catchments of Queensland and Northern NSW, with English Translations.' Visit:

July 9th 2012 - Cold winter months dedicated mostly to planning new publications. Almost at the printers - 'Australian Ant-Plants - Amazing relationships with insects'. Estimated release Aug 1st 2012. 'Australian Weird and Wonderful Wattles' (August? September? release)

May 1st 2012 - A Succulent for mud, clay and winter wet... and prejudice? Who would have thought it possible, as most succulents prefer sandy, drier soils and definitely summer over winter conditions, or at least in most Australian garden situations?

xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' with its unusual name and background was bred from an Australian native succulent Disphyma crassifolium ssp. clavellatum, which itself has rather unique attributes of having adapted here in Australia to our climate and soils. In particular clay, heavy or compacted soils that are irregularly waterlogged. How Australian is that - especially in light of our current and acute awareness of flood to drought and its relative frequency in recent years.

The Australia Disphyma stands apart from other succulents. Its known closest relatives are two other Australian genera - Carpobrotus of which there are numerous species and Sarcozona which has two known species.  All three Australian genera, Carpobrotus, Disphyma and Sarcozona are in the same family Aizoaceae (formerly Mesembryanthemaceae).

It may be said by the public who come across plants of all three genera that they are the same or at least similar in appearance. All three have spreading stems, are relatively short and close to the ground with superficially similar vegetation and have pink/purple flowers primarily in spring and are commonly referred to as 'Pigface'. Therefore a quick look at one major difference may be worthwhile. Carpobrotus and Sarcozona both have sweet edible fruit, Disphyma does not. Can you imagine if an inexperienced person tried the wrong one? What if the inedible fruit was not palatable or was even poisonous? So you need to know one from the other.

Without further comparing edible, visual or other taxonomic differences of which there are many, it may be important for the benefit of this article to compare their habitat differences, as they can be very distinct. The distribution range for all three genera overlaps frequently. It can be very common to find plants of Disphyma growing near or alongside Carpobrotus or  Sarcozona.

Image of 3 genera growing together in habitat. But only one is flowering, guess which one?

They can also be flowering at the same time and hybrids, at least between Disphyma and the other two genera seem not to occur in nature. I have visited and researched hundreds of locations where members of the Aizoaceae grow naturally in Australia. Where distribution ranges overlap it is an ideal opportunity to compare plants growing almost side by side, primarily along or near saline lakes, saline flood plains and clay pan margins. A major difference in soil preference immediately becomes apparent. Disphyma being the closest to the water's edge where minor inundation from flooding can be regular and occasionally severe and long lasting. Disphyma shows a very high tolerance of salt (halophytic). Both Sarcozona and Carpobrotus are almost always found a greater distance from the water's edge, usually at a slightly higher elevation and also predominantly in deeper, more sandy soil.

What all this means to the home gardener is that Disphyma prefers or can grow in totally different soils to Carpobrotus. So if anyone has tried growing any 'Pigface' or more correctly Carpobrotus, and failed, then maybe it's worth trying Disphyma in the same soil and conditions. Disphyma in trials has certainly shown it can be grown successfully in the garden in most Australian gardens (outside of the tropical north), without requiring deep sandy soils.

Australian Disphyma grows most vigorously in the cooler/wetter months of the year and tolerates poorly aerated soils that are often waterlogged. The mostly shallow roots spread widely from each stem node as it creeps along the ground, so it is not as deep rooted as Carpobrotus. Benefits to gardeners are that Disphyma can potentially grow as a shallow rooted ground cover around larger deeper rooted trees and shrubs, without competing for the same nutrients and water on the same soil level. Disphyma also has the benefit of helping drying out waterlogged and compacted soils while also improving general soil aeration and condition through its root activity.

And who has tried it on a roof garden or wall panel yet?

Disphyma also tolerates very high levels of salt so could also be ideal for gardens using grey or bore water.

Disphyma in saline soil.

While most gardeners can likely buy or have already tried growing a pigface or two, I'm also just as certain that 95% of Australians have never tried Disphyma. Disphyma can potentially be more versatile in garden design than Carpobrotus yet it's not getting a look in.... in part because 'it's just another pigface'. Perhaps our prejudice is holding us back, with even the word 'pigface' having a derogatory tone.

Not your everyday 'pigface' but rather Disphyma crassifolium ssp. clavellatum at its best.

In closing, gardeners should try and explore our native succulents beyond the most obvious ones. Some of us in the industry are breeding potentially superior succulents that may one day be as popular as pansies and petunias. xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' bred from an Australian Disphyma is a forerunner in this endeavour.


April 24th 2012 - Finally releasing large batches of xDisphyllum 'Sunburn' $8 each or 2 for $12. Wholesale orders or agent enquiries welcome. This plant is available in 75 mm (3 inch) diameter cuttings  and orders can be picked up or potentially delivered for potted plants in Melbourne (especially for larger orders). Australiawide it is easier to ship them  as cuttings via the post (see 'live plants for sale' on website).

February 22nd 2012 - A new Australian  hybrid succulent plant of distinction will be released in 2012. Bred under a harsh summer sun, it is a plant truly symbolic of Australia - green and gold, and the with the name 'Sunburn'). For more information and pictures, see left menu, article titled 'New Hybrid'.                 Endorsed by The Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia Inc.

JANUARY14th 2012 - THere are so many unique Calandrinia species across the continent, many that have yet to be described. Since 2006 numerous new species have been described in WA. Almost no work is being undertaken on species on the eastern half of the continent. The eastern species are generally smaller plants with flowers often under 1 cm, and sometimes half that, or even less, in diameter and this helps relegate these plants to an insignificant level.

Ian Menkins of Toowoomba has just reported that botanical surveys of an area about to be affected by mining have overlooked the succulent flora. While Ian nor the botanist have any intention to discredit each other or the mining company, this sort of example of how succulents don't figure in the big picture is only too common. This goes right back to the first days of colonial settlement in that the two most well recorded succulents, Pigface and Pigweed, while well - known and common, were barely valued (especially with names like this).

Most if not all secondary and tertiary education in horticulture or botany has excluded our native succulent flora in the curriculum. And likely any botanical encounter during these years would also dismiss these plants.

Irrespective of my speculation, it can still be easy to miss many succulent species, in part because of their camouflage, in part because they are so small, in part because they are often in isolated locations where the ground is often relatively bare. Sometimes a species is so isolated that it may be found in a few square metres and nowhere else! Ian Menkins is an amateur botanist with a very well - trained eye for these kinds of plants. Ian regularly works with botanists and helps with field work. Original letter from Ian below:

Hi Attila,

Thank you for the very professional reply to my email. I don't know if you realize it, but you are now the foremost expert to consult when it comes to Calandrinia species. So very few botanists bother with them, which is a shame because they are very interesting and so easily overlooked, and there are lots of unnamed species still out there.

I wanted to bring the Lake Broadwater species to the attention of an environmental consultant who is working with the coal seam gas companies in that area. He is generally very thorough, but would you believe he has so far not seen this Calandrinia, nor the Grahamia, or even Portulaca bicolor? Often these really small plants are lost to botanists.

Regards Ian



JANUARY 8TH 2012 - Erik van Zuilekom is a friend working with a company covering the new desalination plant in south eastern Victoria. Much of the buildings' roofing structure is covered with landscaping so as to blend into the natural environment. Among the numerous indigenous plants, succulents rate highly, notably Carpobrotus and Disphyma. Erik reports that the plants are doing better than expected and the pictures he sent me so far do look rather impressive. The scale of the project is probably the largest landscaping undertaking using succulents in Australia's history.

NOVEMBER 28th 2011 - Our new publications have been very well received, especially the Bottle Tree and Boab booklet. We will continue to offer a special deal over Christmas. Many people  are buying the full set of four for $50 (includes postage in Australia).

NOVEMBER 8th 2011 - We currently do have an exciting new series of publications (see first four entries in BOOKSHOP).                                                                                                                        The flagship book of this website, 'Australian Native Succulents' is almost sold out. The last carton of 12 books was opened this week. There were 2000 printed and it has been very well received with minimal marketing and exposure. In mid 2012, we hope to have a field guide covering only the 'ground cover' succulent species from the central most arid regions of the continent. So in many ways the new proposed book will be very different to the original. Importantly, it will include many new species.

AUGUST 13th 2011 -

One of Australasia's most adventorous succulent plant explorer and expert, Derrick Rowe is dedicating his retirement to the botanical study, of primarily Ant plants of Australia. And more recently, also of Ant plants in neighbouring  islands and countries, hence the small article titled 'Ant Plants'  to be found on the side menu at left, about a most interesting plant.


AUGUST 1ST 2011 -

In the USA Cactus and Succulent Society Journal newsletter 'To The Point', vol. 83, no. 3, there is a fascinating article called 'Put A Prickly Pear in Your Tank?' about experimental farming of Opuntia species for biofuel production. Applying this idea to our Australian invasive opuntias mentioned in Ian Menkin's article,'What are the real environmental weeds?' could be worthwhile. For more information on the Opuntia Biofuel project, visit or To see a short video go to

Why can't we use our Opuntias for something worthwhile?


JULY 24th 2011 - An important and controversial  article just in by Ian Menkins, at left select sub- menu topic 'What are the REAL environmental weeds?'. The article references exotic cacti that have naturalised in Australia. Many of the best native succulent habitats include a few opuntias and are often used as indicators of ideal rare plant habitats. I've also been very concerned for years that the blanket spraying or disturbing of such environments is now the greatest threat to our biodiversity.

At the town of Yelarbon, Queensland there is nearby wasteland that in the last few years has been recognised as being rich in desert flora diversity and is now protected. Prior to the fence going around the area, this Opuntia would have been sprayed or ploughed into the ground along with any plants rare or otherwise around it. The dominant plant around the base on the Opuntia is Sarcozona praecox and is the only know location in Queensland.  Ploughed or disturbed soils in Queensland are often quickly populated by exotic grasses. Native succulents cannot survive the hotter fires generated by introduced grasses.




APRIL 2011 BOOKINGS NOW CLOSED for our open garden listed for this weekend April 9,10 and 11. Watch out for further dates for 2011.

MARCH 2011 - Calostemma purpureum has just finished flowering and has produced numerous 10 mm diameter bulbils (small bulb-like). We are selling these 10 for $5.00.                                                                              Acacia aphylla - extremely desirable rare native blue leafless wattle (grown for us by the Cranbourne Botanic Gardens) are now available for sale. Normally $15, now $12 each, or 10 for $60 (May 2011 - CURRENT STOCK SOLD OUT).  Please enquire about spring stock.

FEBRUARY 2011 - Promoting native succulent plants around Australia is relatively difficult. However nuumerous attempts internationally have been much easier and very well received by a range of botanical and horticultural journals and magazines, primarily USA and Europe. If you want a list of these publications please contact me, a few prominent recent examples include the Italian Cactus & Co. vol. xIV, no. 1; also Cactus & Co. XIV, no. 3. And the next journal of theirs to come out with an article on Australian succulent orchids. This is a highly acclaimed European Journal. All three articles are on different Australian plants and are very comprehensive with one article 24 pages long! Others are also in the draft stage. Kaktusy (Czechoslovakia) also just published an article. While these Journals mentioned so far have the heading cactus in them, they are broadbased succulent journals with wide appeal. See their websites for more details about the journals and these feature articles.

In Australia, the Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia (CSSA) Journal, Spinette, recently had a full feature article on Australian Calandrinia. You can view this article at

So the promotion through articles and cultivation of these worthy plants continue.....

DECEMBER 2010 - It makes you wonder after reading Bob Chinnock's plant discoveries and the article below - if they found new animals they probably also found new plants, and not just a few. So how many more are yet to be discovered, perhaps by you or me?!

DECEMBER 2010 - a great newspaper article has just been handed to me titled, 'Saltbush survey reveals bunch of new species' (THE AUSTRALIAN newspaper, November 1, 2010, The Nation, page 9) by Mark Schliebs. Scientists believe that they have discovered numerous new animal species in the arid north of South Australia; lizards, bees and moths never before seen by scientists: David Stemmer, collection manager of mammals at the SA Museum, said most of the country had never been examined by flora and fauna experts. "If you looked at any map of Australia and plotted every specimen that has been collected, there would be large areas where there would be no dots or very few dots," he said. "And you'll find a whole range of dots along the main roads and nothing off the roads."

NOVEMBER 2010 - Recently I was at the Australasian Cactus and Succulent Convention in Sydney where I had the privilege of seeing Dr. Bob Chinnock's presentation, which included some teasing images of new native succulents which are in the process of being named. One of these plants he discovered by chance when visiting his son in a mining town in WA. Bob jokingly described this discovery was alongside the town's horse race track without any habitat exploring. I am being a little bit elusive as to what the plants are and what they look like, as this is for Bob to announce. The second plant has exceptional flowers and so is already under trial for its major horticultural merit. The only thing further I can say is that the CSIRO is working closely with him on this.

OCTOBER 2010 - A new bright yellow flowering Calandrinia species is about to makes its debut in science Journals before the year is out. Until now only pinks or whites have described. This is significant.

This new yellow Calandrinia is easy to grow from seed and we are proud to be the first to have it available to the world from our own seed harvest. We have been trialling the plant for a few years now with great success. Our seed stock is good at present and likely to last until the end of the year. Ordering early with almost guarantee getting some. Please enquire. (On the side menu GENERAL SEED list there are many Calandrinia species listed, but not this new yellow species. You need to ask for this specifically).

JUNE, JULY 2010 - A CALL FOR HELP! The great floods from Lake Eyre and to the north are a rare opportunity to photograph unique flora that associate with such events. In many cases ephemeral plants notably succulents dominate. I am researching for another follow up book. As a small independent author and self publisher my costs restrict my ability to travel as widely and frequently as I need and like, to obtain all the pictures and information I need to continue. And so this is a call out to travellers who holiday, travel or work in such areas. The monumental changes in flora in even a short space of time cannot be collated by any single person and really requires contributions from many. I can acknowledge and pay for pictures which are chosen for publication. However I mostly rely on donations and good will! I know I'm asking a lot and from so many of you out there, but I also know there are as many nature lovers who are as curious and keen as I am to get out there and photograph and enjoy this special natural event.

MARCH 2010 - Besides research and field trips to Australian plant habitats, we have been developing a garden to showcase native succulents in cultivation. They are mostly in amongst exotic succulents in an eclectic mix with other interesting foliage plants that can grow well in the same conditions. During March we have managed to promote this garden through conventional media channels and have at least four magazines reporting on the subject. The best example is a 10 page feature in 'Your Garden' magazine, current autumn edition. Also 'ABC Gardening Australia' magazine has a 4 page article. Then there is the latest 'Hort Journal' also covering native succulents in pictures of our display garden. On a smaller scale we have a current book review in the latest 'ABC Organic Gardening'. Finally there will a TV program featuring the garden - March 27th ABC Gardening Australia.

Interest in cultivating our native succulents is at a record high. We have two other magazines currently drafting articles on  the topic, including one in Italy! Over the last 6-12 months various international journals and magazines have sought us out for an Australian story on our succulents. (References provided on request).

FEBRUARY 2010 - We haven't updated in the last two months as we are busy planning new publications and research. Our decision on the next book title and topic will be coming soon! Considering also our flagship book titled, 'Australian Succulent Plants' is almost sold out, and is not going to be reprinted, it will remain a collector's item. This does however open the opportunity for a range of slightly similar options e.g. soft bound expanded field guide edition. What do you think?

One important consideration for any further publication on Australian native succulents is that outside funding may be a critical factor for getting the next one up and as successful as the first. Those interested, including mining companies, government bodies or private supporters, are encouraged to contact us.

Articles, News and comments are most welcome. Feedback of any kind? Would you like to be a guest writer on this subject? Submit something now and share your knowledge and experience. Contact us here

In the USA Cactus and Succulent Journal newsletter 'To The Point', vol. 83, no. 3, there is a fascinating article called 'Put A Prickly Pear in Your Tank?' about experimental farming of Opuntia species for biofuel production. Applying this idea to our own invasive opuntias in Australia mentioned in Ian Menkin's article, 'What are the REAL environmental weeds?'could be worthwhile. For more information on the Opuntia Biofuel project, visit or To see a short video go to

Why can't we use our Opuntias for something worthwhile!

In the USA Journal newsletter 'To The Point', vol. 83, no. 3, there is a fascinating article called 'Put A Prickly Pear in Your Tank?' about experimental farming of Opuntia species for biofuel production. Applying this idea to our own invasive opuntias mentioned in Ian Menkin's article on page ?? could be worthwhile. For more information on the Opuntia Biofuel project, visit or To see a short video go to



Thank you for the very professional reply to my email. I don't know if you realize it, but you are now the foremost expert to consult when it comes to Calandrinia species. So very few botanists bother with them, which is a shame because they are very interesting and so easily overlooked, and there are lots of unnamed species still out there.

I wanted to bring the Lake Broadwater species to the attention of an environmental consultant who is working with the coal seam gas companies in that area. He is generally very thorough, but would you believe he has so far not seen this Calandrinia, nor the Grahamia, or even Portulaca bicolor? Often these really small plants are lost to botanists.

Regards Ian




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