Australian Succulents

Australian native plant series

'The Australian Series' of native plant booklets devoted primarily to succulents.


Our flagship book, ‘Australian Succulent Plants’ produced in 2007, quickly sold out due to its popularity. Since the original price of $75, second hand copies online have now skyrocketed in price reaching $500 a copy! It is now a collector’s item.

In 2012 we decided to reproduce much of the content in smaller publications that we could keep building on. We currently have 12 volumes of small publications in 'THE AUSTRALIAN SERIES' which covers the bulk of the original book plus many new plant species. This series of books and booklets is not exclusively about succulent plants, but the vast majority of it is. (Basically the big book is now ‘replaced’ and with extra).


Now TWELVE in the series:

Volume 1 - The Australian Calandrinia  20 pages

Volume 2 - Australian Bottle Trees and Boabs  40 pages

Volume 3 - Australian Gymea and Spear Lilies  20 pages

Volume 4 - Australian Succulent Orchids  20 pages

Volume 5 - Australian Ant-Plants: Amazing relationships with ants  20 pages

Volume 6 - Australian Weird and Wonderful Wattles 20 pages

Volume 7 - Australian Pigface and Pigweed 24 pages

Volume 8 - Australian Native Bulbs     24 pages

Volume 9- Australian Grass Trees       28 pages

Volume 10 - Edible Australian Succulents  52 pages NEW

Volume 11 - Australian Succulents  The Unfriendly Ones 104 pages NEW

Volume 12 - Australian Cycads -An Introduction  40 pages LATEST




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The printed publications are A4, full colour, softbound, mostly pictorial.


  • To advance the education of the public by study, culture and propagation of Australian plants, and to promote the conservation of these plants.


  • To educate at all levels - public, secondary, tertiary, media and to provide copies to all educational institutions Australia wide.


  • Information that is not readily available elsewhere, or not in the same cohesive format, or in some cases not available at all.


  • Colour, drama and 'Life' for anybody and everybody are the recipe for these publications.



Buy the set and save approximately $50.00 (collecting the set individually will cost $280- plus shipping costs).

BUY SET OF 12 BOOKLETS. Please select your country/region from dropdown menu.

Price with Shipping



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